Boy in Blue

7 October 2014


A short (and unusually) rhyming poem about a little feeling, a sense memory, connecting to the past…

Remember, and in doing so, be transported. But you should know: there’s no way back.

One brief moment was all it took,
Unburdened abandon in this brown boy’s look.
He and his friend crossing the road,
First left then right and over they go.
A skip in their step on this…



20 June 2014


He was a monstrous black giraffe of death. In a cape.

This story was inspired by Game of Thrones (the TV series). Specifically, a Facebook “friend” thought that spoiling revelations in the show was a just bit of fun, rather than the deadly serious matter…


Sardinia 2013

9 April 2014

Photos taken in and around Santa Teresa Di Gallura and Alghero in Summer 2013

Summer in Italy – I put on 7kg in two weeks, I couldn’t look at pizza or pasta again for over a month!

I only took around two hundred photos this trip, which is far less than my usual thousand plus for a two week holiday. But I still ended up with a few decent shots. To…



7 March 2014


car·riage (kăr′ĭj) – A moving part of a machine for holding or shifting another part.

This is a really short, bleak poem. I suppose I was feeling pretty weary when I wrote it. I didn’t even intend for it to be short at all but the words just stopped…


Neverness by David Zindell – A book review

19 December 2013


A short, spoiler-free review of the science fiction adventure novel Neverness by David Zindell.

Every once in a while you come across a book that surprises you, it takes you by the scruff of your neck and thrusts you into a world so well imagined, deep and complex…
